Sunday 10 May 2015

Tough couple of weeks

The last couple of weeks have been really tough. I haven't been able to get to work as I've felt really down .

Food wise has been good, I've managed to stick to plan for the most part and have still have lost weight at fat club but It's had it challenges like going to a food festival and walking past fish and chip shops.

The above photos are some of the things I've cooked over the last week and as you can see it's all sweet stuff which isn't healthy.

Wednesday 29 April 2015

nearly the weekend

I've not been have the greatest couple of days. I'm shattered and sick of people complaining.

One good thing is that I'm still sticking to slimming world  so at least I've got some routine down, although I feel like I'm going to turn in to a piece of fruit or veg with the amount of it I'm eating.

My slow cooker is a god send, as my tea is done for when i come in to work, so I'm not picking at stuff, I just need to learn portion control as I seem to eat the same thing for three nights running as I make far to much all the time.

Finally got my free cinema ticket from work today, which I got excited about as it means a cheap outing to the cinema.

Sunday 26 April 2015

Crappy week down now to a positive week.

Ok this week has been really crappy. I had a bad day wednesday thanks to a counseling appointment, I've then ate cream cakes on thursday night, they were lovely but felt so guilty after eating them.

I've since had a meal in a restaurant and a bought curry from a supermarket.

I really need to get my head back in the game as I'm now scared that I've done some of the hard work i did last week to get to my club ten at slimming world.

The exercise side hasn't been bad as I walked 6 km on wednesday and I went to cherryburn yesterday so walked round there.

Really need to stay positive and have a good next few days, as this should also help my depression.

Wednesday 22 April 2015

tough day

It's been a tough day and I'm now really tired both mentally and physically.

As I'm shattered I've not done a great deal, but i did manage to cook a apple and cinnamon cake for pudding tomorrow as we as a health lunch and time.

I've managed to fit a walk in to today so very happy with the body magic but could do with some chocolate.

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Yeah for club 10

I  went to class tonight and it was a great success.  I lost 3lb which meant i reached my club 10 and only have 0.5lb to loose to get my 1and half stone award.

I love going to class as it's always a good laugh.

The sun is shinning

I love it when the sun shines. I tend to stick to the healthy eating when the weather's nice. I've managed to get loads of things prepped for meals which i'm planning on freezing.

I've got soup cooking in the slow cooker and handmade crips in the oven.

Tickets bought for the avenger on thursday night and looking forward to getting weighed.

Monday 20 April 2015

Yeah for Family

I've been having a bad day today. I've had really bad chocolate cravings all day. Having the craving is just my luck as i get weighed tomorrow.

I've put stuff in the slow cooker to make curry for tea, so I'm not tempted to pick later on today.

The only saving grace today is that my aunt has sent me some recipe, they are slimming world ones but very excited to try some of the recipes from them.